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What’s better than a 90% rating?  100%!

In 2019 one of our customers, a major defence contractor, awarded Euro Energy Resources Ltd a 90.9% rating for on-time, defect free manufacturing for the previous year’s battery pack orders, and we were pretty pleased…imagine then being awarded a 100% rating for our 2019 performance – making Euro Energy the preferred battery pack supplier!

What this meant:-  

  • 1) Every component of every battery pack was defect free
  • 2) Every battery pack assembled was defect free
  • 3) Every delivery made was on time and in full

See what we received below:-

Thank you for your continued support of our business, you are integral part of our supply chain and we rely upon you to achieve our business objectives of not just meeting but delighting our customers’ expectations. 

As a result, we would like to share with you your supply performance in the last year:

What's better than a 90% rating? 100%!

Rating system

  • A – Preferred supplier providing OTD consistency above 97%
  • B – Supplier providing OTD consistency above 90%
  • C – Supplier providing OTD consistency under 90%’
What's better than a 90% rating? 100%!

Here at Euro Energy we embrace continuous improvement and hold BS EN ISO 9001: 2015 accreditation for the building of batteries and battery packs.

Quality is built in to all of our products and begins with ensuring that our suppliers place a similar value on Quality and Quality Assurance.

Is your battery or battery pack supplier able to demonstrate similar supplier performance? If not, why not give us a call to discuss your portable power requirements – you will be really glad you did!

For further information or to discuss your project in detail, or the manufacture of batteries & battery packs, contact our friendly & knowledgeable Customer Service team on Leicester 0116 2340567 or email