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Sudden Cardiac Arrest can come without warning. It can Lifepak CR Plus AEDhappen to anyone, anywhere – at work, during sport, in a public place. It claims hundreds of thousands of lives a year worldwide.  It can leave a tragic void in families, workplaces and communities. 

However, there is hope because there is treatment.  Having access to an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) will enable victims to be treated, especially where every minute counts, improving the chances of a better outcome. Just having access to an AED can make a huge difference.  

Lifepak 1000 AED

Euro Energy has teamed up with a world-leading AED device manufacturer, Physio Control, to supply two of their AED devices – the Lifepak CR Plus (fully and semi-automatic options) and Lifepak 1000 model (semi-automatic). 

Their AED’s are used worldwide by many different organisations – ambulances, schools, gyms, swimming pools, shopping centres, businesses large and small.  The list is endless.

An AED could help save a life.  It is literally a matter of minutes!

We offer the AED’s at competitive prices and can help with training requirements. 

Worldwide shipping is available on this product.

For further information, talk to one of our AED specialists on (0116) 234 7814 or visit our AED section for more information.