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Euro Energy has launched a range of Standard Li-Ion packs to offer users a fast route to production for new projects requiring a lightweight and portable battery solution without the need for expensive UN38.3 testing. They are produced from Lithium Cobalt Oxide (LiCoO2) 18650 sized cells and offered in a range of voltages / capacities to suit many applications. Batteries currently available include:


  • 3.7V at 2250mAh (1S1P), 4500mAh (1S2P) & 6750mAh (1S3P)
  • 7.4V at 2250mAh (2S1P)
  • 14.8V at 2250mAh (4S1P) & 4500mAh (4S2P)

As your volume requirements increase, we can offer price breaks to ensure the price remains competitive. Additionally we can add either injection moulded or protective vacuum formed cases to integrate the look and feel of the battery into your equipment. Should you wish to discuss your project to ensure you have the correct battery for your needs, please contact our Technical staff on (0116) 234 0567 or email  Alternatively, click on the link below to take a look at our data sheets and see how our solutions can work for you.

Click here to see our entire range of Li-ion battery packs