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Euro Energy continue to support our NHS

As the UK and world’s COVID-19 crisis deepens, Euro Energy continue to support our NHS as it comes under increasing pressure.

Frontline services, consultants, doctors, nurses & paramedics are all critical to beating this novel coronavirus – but also important are the support services that ensure wards, beds and equipment are clean and fully functional.

Vital life saving and preserving equipment such as ventilators, monitors, pulse oximeters, suction machines, syringe pumps, defibrillators (defibs) etc, need to be patient ready as soon as called upon, meaning EBME teams are working flat out providing this vital service in the fight against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes COVID-19.

Equipment needs to be cleaned and sterilised between patients, serviced to ensure it’s functioning correctly and very often, exhausted medical batteries and accessories will need replacing – and fast!

Euro Energy continue to ship Original Manufacturer Medical batteries, Compatible Medical batteries, lead acid batteries and Original Manufacturer Medical Equipment accessories (ECG cables, SpO2 sensors, defib pads etc) daily to help support the tremendous efforts of our NHS.

As you can see in the image below, our vital medical batteries and accessory packages are ready to ship out, all marked up to show that they contain Medical Supplies.

Euro Energy continue to support our NHS

For more information on our range of Original Manufacturer Medical batteries, Compatible Medical batteries, lead acid batteries and Original Manufacturer Medical Equipment accessories, our stock levels and delivery schedules, please contact our friendly and knowledgeable Customer Service team on 0116 2340567 or email